The delivery time is 48 hours to 5 days for shipments to France, 5 to 10 days for shipments to Europe and 7 to 21 days for other countries.
You have a period of 14 working days after receiving the package to return the products if you are not satisfied with it or if you have changed your mind.
By hollington, the garments are delivered unfinished (jacket sleeves and pants hems). The costs generated by the fitting will be at your expense. The setting to lengths can in no case be organized by email or by phone.
However, if you choose the "store pick-up" option, you will be offered the fitting to your own measurements (excluding sales periods) – and we will even offer you (good) coffee!
cleaning instructions
Turn inside out
Wash at 30°
Gentle spin
Do not trumble dry
Here are hollington's Lazy Wear trousers: very comfortable, they have a drawstring waistband and a wide leg. These are the ultimate laziness pants.
They belong to a complete lazy wear outfit consisting of a jacket and pants. Patric was inspired by Scandinavian customs when he draw them. Between the moment of leaving their daytime outfit and that of putting on pyjamas, the Swedes wear a relaxation outfit called “Lazy Wear”. This tradition had pleased Patric, who loved staying in Sweden so much.
Unlike training pants, the ankle of these pants has no ribbing. It is finished directly to your measurements.
As you may have understood, the use is to wear those trousers at home. But nothing prevents you from combining them with city clothes or from keeping them on for your stretching session. These are trousers to wear when you need comfort - a matter of when rather than where.